DrSimone Speziale(Centre de Physique Theorique - Marsiglia)
Aula Teorici (Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia)
Aula Teorici
Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia
Via Irnerio, 46
While the central singularity of black holes is a landmark of general relativity, there are expectations that in a full theory of quantum gravity it should be eliminated by quantum mechanical effects. Various implementations of this idea lead to models of singularity-free black holes. I will give specific motivations coming from loop quantum gravity, and discuss in particular a model of non-singular black hole proposed by Hayward.
I will then comment on implications for the information-loss paradox,
and discuss different possible scenarios for black hole evolution. In some a singularity-free black hole is slowly evaporating through Hawking radiation. In another one proposed by Rovelli, Hawking radiation is marginal with respect to a quantum-induced bounce, opening a window for phenomenology through the consequent `explosion' of the black hole.