Sala riunioni I piano (Dep. of Physics and Astronomy)
Sala riunioni I piano
Dep. of Physics and Astronomy
Viale B. Pichat
Hadron therapy is a form of radiotherapy using beams of energetic protons or positive ions for cancer treatment. The method is an alternative to the radiotherapy based on gamma rays, being in some cases more effective.
Hadron therapy works by aiming energetic ionizing particles (proton or heavy ions) at the target tumor. These particles damage the DNA of tissue cells, ultimately causing their death. Because of their reduced ability to repair damaged DNA, cancerous cells are particularly vulnerable to this therapy.
The energy deposition of protons and heavy ions increases while the particle penetrates the tissue and loses energy continuously. Hence the dose increases with increasing thickness up to the Bragg peak that occurs near the end of the particle's range. Beyond the Bragg peak, the dose drops to zero (for protons) or almost zero (for heavier ions).
The advantage of this energy deposition profile is that the energy deposited into the healthy tissue surrounding the cancer is minimized.
Currently, for proton beam therapy, there are 49 facilities in the world, including 14 in the USA. Furthermore, 29 facilities are under construction. For Carbon-ion therapy, there are eight centers operating and four under construction.
The first proton therapy center in Italy has been realized by INFN at the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud in Catania and is exploiting the application of protontherapy for the treatment of shallow tumours (4 cm max) like uveal melanomas and subfoveal macular degenerations.Currently in Italy there are two hadron therapy centers: CNAO in Pavia which provides both proton and Carbon-ion beams and is curing patients since 2014, and the proton therapy center in Trento which started the activities few months ago.