ATTENZIONE: Lunedì 15 Luglio, dalle 13:00 alle 15:00 sarà effettuato un intervento di manutenzione su Durante tale fascia oraria il servizio potrà risultare non raggiungibile.

ATTENTION: On Monday 15 July, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm, maintenance will be carried out on During this time slot, the service may be unreachable.

Working Group on Radiative Corrections and Generators for Low Energy Hadronic Cross Section and Luminosity

Hefei, AnHui, China

Hefei, AnHui, China

The eighteenth meeting of the Radio MonteCarlo WG ( will be held at the University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, AnHui, on September 27th, 2015, as a satellite meeting of  PHIPSI15 conference in China (
  • Alberto Lusiani
  • Alexander Botov
  • Alexandr Popov
  • Andrzej Kupsc
  • Carlo Carloni Calame
  • Christoph Florian Redmer
  • Evgeny Kozyrev
  • Fedor Ignatov
  • Gennady Fedotovich
  • Graziano Venanzoni
  • GU Qinzhong
  • Guangshun Huang
  • Henryk Czyz
  • Konrad Griessinger
  • Massimo Passera
  • Matteo Fael
  • Pablo Roig
  • Paolo Gauzzi
  • Ping Wang
  • Tatyana Dimova
  • Vyacheslav Ivanov
  • Yanjun Sun
  • Yaqian Wang
The agenda of this meeting is empty