Beta decay studies around 78Ni: Investigation of neutron rich Ni isotopes
Ana Isabel Morales Lopez(INFN Milano)
Rostagni meeting room (INFN-LNL)
Rostagni meeting room
The decay of 70-74Co and other species in the vicinity of 78Ni has been investigated following the relativistic ssion of a 238U primary beam at the Radioactive Ion Beam Factory facility in RIKEN, as part of the EURICA campaign. Extremely neutron-rich nuclei from Mn to Cu were produced and stopped in a state-of-the-art -decay spectroscopy setup after their in-flight identication. The unprecedented high intensity of the primary beam, I = 10 pnA, ensures the access to a broad number of low-lying excited states in their daughters. In the present contribution, specic details on the setup and the experimental techniques employed are described. As well, the preliminary results are discussed.