
Primordial Black hole formation

by Ilia Musco (Laboratoire Univers et Théories (LUTH), Observatoire de Paris)

Aula Conversi (Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dipartimento di Fisica - Ed. G.Marconi

LECTURE: Gravitational Collapse Abstract: In this lecture I will give a review of the gravitational collapse mechanism in relativistic hydrodynamics assuming spherical symmetry, presenting the set of non linear Einstein/fluid equations that need to be solved, focusing on perfect fluids. The equation of state plays an important role to determine the outcome of the collapse. I will then discuss the concept of space time foliation presenting the set of equations in two specific cases: the Misner-Sharp comoving observer (cosmic time) and the Misner-Hernandez null observer (observer time). The observer time foliation is particularly relevant for studying black hole formation, following the complete evolution of the black hole exterior. I will conclude introducing the concept of dynamical horizons for black holes in spherical symmetry, generalizing the well known Schwarzschild condition R = 2M for the event horizon. SEMINAR: Primordial Black Hole Formation Abstract: In the first part I will review the mechanism of gravitational collapse in relativistic hydrodynamics assuming spherical symmetry, focusing on perfect fluids. With the aim of studying black hole formation in different contexts, I will introduce the concept of dynamical horizons, generalizing the Schwarzschild condition R = 2M for the event horizon. In the second part I will present my results on primordial black hole formation, using a Lagrangian relativistic hydrodynamical code to study the collapse of cosmological perturbations in the early universe. They are interesting candidates for the dark matter component of the Universe as well as for the seeds of supermassive black holes that we observe today in the centres of galaxies.