18–20 dic 2017
<br />Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
Europe/Rome fuso orario
Aim of the workshop:
In spite of its consolidated experimental success, the Standard Model of particle physics falls short of describing all observed phenomena. Elegant and well motivated theoretical ideas, such as Supersymmetry, Technicolor or Grand Unification, have so far found no support from experimental results. The longed-for discovery of some kind of physics beyond the Standard Model, that could guide us to replace these ideas with new theoretical paradigms, has so far escaped all experimental efforts. Given this situation, any serious attempt to approach the incompleteness of the Standard Model from originally different and unconventional perspectives should receive proper consideration. Fearless exploration outside the box might provide more insights than lengthy struggles through standard thinking.
During this 3-day workshop we plan to review some recent attempts to approach fundamental physics issues from non standard perspectives. We plan to have only two or three talks each day and plenty of time to analyze jointly the good and bad of the various proposals, confront ideas and discuss.

Scientific Program and Speakers:

John Donoghue (Massachusetts U., Amherst)
"Quantum Field Theory for Gravity"

Gia Dvali  (LMU, ASC & MPI, Munich & NYU, CCPP, New York) 

Renate Loll (Radboud U., NL)
"Quantum Gravity, or: Give me (more) observables!"

 Matthew McCullough  (CERN)
"Hyperbolic Higgs, Clockwork and Relaxion"

Holger F.B. Nielsen (Bohr Inst.)
"Dark Matter, Double Supernova Neutrino Explosion,
Degenerate Vacua, Predetermination? Why the SM Group?

Roberto Percacci  (SISSA)   
"Asymptotic Safety"

Eugenio Bianchi  (Penn State)
"Entanglement in Loop Quantum Gravity

Michael Spannowsky  (Durham U. & Durham U., IPPP)
"Higgsplosion, Higgspersion and Naturalness"

Alessandro Strumia (CERN & INFN Pisa & Pisa U.) 
"From LHC to Dimensionless Physics to Ghosts"


<br />Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
<span style="background-color:#ffff00;">High Energy Building, B. Touschek Auditorium and Seminar Room (1st floor)</span>
Secretariat: Maddalena Legramante tel. 0039 06 94032791 fax 0039 06 94032900 maddalena.legramante@lnf.infn.it
We plan to join together for dinner in Frascati on Tuesday 19/12: 
If you like to attend the Social Dinner (estimated cost 30€), please remember to send an email to maddalena.legramante@lnf.infn.it

RESTAURANT ADDRESS:  La Vecchia Frasca                                                                         Via Don Giuseppe Buttarelli 12,                                                      Frascati (RM)                                                                               Tel: 
+39 06 9401 7045

On December 18, 19, 20, access to LNF will be granted to registered participants also from the HE Building gate close to TorVergata train station with the following schedule:
Monday 18:        From 9:15 am to 10:45am and from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.      Tuesday 19:       From 9:15 am to 10:45am and from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.  Wednesday 20:  From 9:15 am to 10:45am and from 4:00pm to 5:00pm.