The apparatus Front-End of the SPES project involved in the production of the Radioactive Ion Beams requires a very intense study and design due to the complexity and the width of the matters involved, such as engineering, physics, chemistry, materials and beam transport. In fact, the Front-End has to accept and check the high power proton beam accelerated by the cyclotron and to accelerate, efficently produce the radiocative nuclei, to ionize, control and separate the radioactive ion beam produced in the target. All the components have to work in a high radioactive environment and they have to be designed in order to ensure a fast maintenance in case of malfunctioning. In the talk, the various devices which will be installed in the SPES bunker will be presented, such as the diagnostic for the proton beam, composed by collimators, Faraday Cup and Beam Profiler monitor, the diagnostic for the Radioactive Ion Beam with the pneumatic motor appositely studied to sustain the radioactive flux coming from the target and the design and optimization process implemented for the Wien Filter, the velocity separator used as the first stage of mass selector to decrease the radioactive along the beam pipe.