28–30 Sept 2016
Pisa University - Polo Didattico Fibonacci
Europe/Rome timezone

2016 Annual General Meeting reviewing the activities supported by the MUSE project.
MUSE is a EU funded project under the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, Grant Agreement 690835. It coordinates the activities of about 70 researchers from various European research institutes (INFN, University College London, University of Liverpool, Helmholtz-Centrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Fermilab) and industries (PRISMA, CAEN, AdvanSid) for the participation to the experiments at the Muon Campus of the Fermi National Laboratory (FNAL), in USA.
Pisa University - Polo Didattico Fibonacci
Building C - Room 131
L.go B. Pontecorvo 356127 Pisa