1. General Seminars

Radiative energy loss in a hot QCD medium: from RHIC to LHC

by Marta Verweij (Utrecht University - Department of subatomic physics)

Aula Seminari Edif. Alte Energie (Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati)

Aula Seminari Edif. Alte Energie

Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Radiative energy loss by gluon radiation off hard partons in a QCD medium is believed to be the source of the experimentally observed suppression of high p_T hadrons in heavy ion collisions. Existing models of QCD radiative energy loss in a color-charged medium give inconsistent estimates of the coupling strength of the parton to the medium. We will present a side-by-side comparison of two different formalisms to calculate the energy loss of light quarks and gluons: the multiple soft scattering approximation (ASW-MS) and the opacity expansion formalism (ASW-SH and WHDG-rad). Due to different biases, both measurements probe a different part of the medium. The relation between R_AA and I_AA provides information about which kind of energy loss is dominant: fractional energy loss or absorption of the parton in the medium. We also discuss how recent measurements a the LHC could distinguish between different theoretical scenarios.