21–25 Sept 2009
Department of Physic
Europe/Rome timezone
The QIPC 2009 International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication will be held in Rome, Italy, 21-25 September, 2009. The meeting is organized by the coordination action project QUROPE and by the Quantum Optics Group and the Physics Department of the Sapienza Università di Roma. The conference aims at covering all scientific activities in Quantum Information Science, with a inter-disciplinary approach. The covered topics range from quantum communications, quantum information, optical quantum computing, solid state (quantum dots SQUIDs - NMR), cavity QED, single atoms, ions, quantum imaging, optical lattices, memories, complexity and many-body systems. The target audience is any researcher interested in Quantum Information Science. QUROPE (Quantum Information Processing and Communication in Europe) is part of the Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) QIPC (Quantum Information Processing and Communication) Proactive Initiative, ICT Research Program, DG INFSO, European Commission. QUROPE is an FP6 Coordinated Actions project that aims at coordinating all efforts at the European level towards a unified, democratic and strong community in QIPC research in Europe.
Department of Physic
Aula Amaldi
University Sapienza of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy
  • Francesco De Martini
  • Paolo Mataloni
The official web site of the conference could be found here Local Scientific Secretariat Mrs. Alba Perrotta