4:00 PM
IntelligentShield new experiment at CN
Bent Pedersen
(Institute for Transuranium Elements (ITU) / Nuclear Security Unit ; European Commission - Joint Research Centre)
Peter Schillebeeckx
4:20 PM
HCCC and QDNS experiments (AN2000 and CN)
Davide De Salvador
(Padova University & INFN-LNL)
4:40 PM
Dia.FAB experiment at AN2000
Federico Picollo
4:55 PM
ALCHIMIA experiment at AN2000
Alessandro Re
5:10 PM
GEOPD experiment at AN2000
Claudio Mazzoli
(Dipartimento di Geoscienze)
5:25 PM
10B and Astro25Mg experiments at AN2000 and CN
Antonio Caciolli
5:45 PM
IBILSCINT experiment at AN2000 and CN
Alberto Quaranta
(University of Trento - Department of Industrial Engineering)
6:00 PM