Nov 9 – 13, 2015
Laboratori Nazionali del Sud of INFN, Catania, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone


Registration Form

Opened Jul 15, 2015
Closed Nov 7, 2015

Registration form for the 3nd GEANT4 international and GPU programming school is closed. Please contact the organisers by e-mail for any special requests. Participation fee is 150 € for each course and 200 € for both courses. Under-graduated University students will not pay the fee, for a maximum of 15 participants within the 30th of September-> THE MAXIMUM NUMBER OF 15 HAS BEEN REACHED PhD students have to pay the regular fee. --> FEE PAYMENT Fee payment can be done within the 15th of October by bank transfer. For INFN staff and associate, please use directly funds available in your Section and move the amount directly to INFN-LNS by means of your administration. ->FEE PAYMENT DETAILS: BENEFICIARY NAME: CONSORZIO COMETA BENEFICIARY ADDRESS: VIA SANTA SOFIA N. 64 – 95123 CATANIA BANK NAME: MONTE DEI PASCHI DI SIENA S.p.A. – AGENZIA 7 BANK ADDRESS: VIA S.SOFIA, 78- 95123 - CATANIA IBAN : IT 35 Z 01030 16908 000000271066 BIC/ SWIFT CODE: PASCITM1CT7 IN THE REASON FOR PAYMENT, PLEASE INDICATE: "Partecipation fee to 3nd Geant4 Int and GPU programming School" Please send an e-mail to and/or with the transfer details, once the payment has been completed.

Registrations are complete
There are no more places available.