9:00 AM
Turbulence on a Fractal Fourier set
Alessandra S. Lanotte
9:20 AM
Active dumbbells: from diffusion properties to aggregation phenomena
Alessandro Mossa
9:40 AM
Quench Dynamics in Two-Dimensional Integrable SUSY Models
Axel Cortes Cubero
10:00 AM
Infinite order phase transitions in two-dimensional U(N) and SU(N) spin models.
Volodymyr Chelnokov
(Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
10:20 AM
Hagedorn spectrum in pure Yang-Mills theories on the lattice
Alessandro Nada
10:40 AM
Thermal fluctuations in a kinetic model for multicomponent fluids
Daniele Belardinelli
(Università di Roma, Tor Vergata)