Nuclear Structure at N=Z and at the proton drip line with the AGATA and GALILEO arrays

Venice International University (San Servolo, Venice)

Venice International University

San Servolo, Venice

Several experiments focusing on the structure of N~Z nuclei have been proposed at GANIL and are under discussion for the next Legnaro PAC meeting. In most of the cases, there is a large overlap in the participants to the proposed experiments, what we call the “N=Z collaboration”.

At GANIL the experiments will use in particular -but not only- AGATA, NEDA and DIAMANT. At Legnaro this will mainly be GALILEO, NEDA and EUCLIDES.
In order to optimize the use of the resources hence the potential physics outputs of the facilities, we organize a 2-day workshop.

The goals of the meeting are:
- Discuss the status of the data analysis for experiments performed in common
- Update the collaboration members on the status and performances of the various detectors of interest and in particular GALILEO, NEDA and EUCLIDES
- In view of the GANIL April PAC results, to discuss the experiment proposals which should be submitted to the next Legnaro PAC meeting
- Prepare the October GANIL PAC meeting which will probably be the last one using AGATA coupled to NEDA and DIAMANT.


The deadline for registration to the Conference shall be extended to April 23, 2015.
Remains unchanged the deadline for paying the registration fee at the same date.
Given the tight deadlines for registration of payments between banks, we ask to all participants to bring along a copy of the payment.



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