Summer School of Ultra-High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (HiMR)

Room Bonaparte (Hotel Hermitage)

Room Bonaparte

Hotel Hermitage

<a target="_blank" href=>Loc. Biodola, Isola d'Elba</a> </br>e-mail: <a href="">
Alberto Del Guerra (PI), Michela Tosetti (PI)
The High Field Magnetic Resonance (HiMR) Initial Training Network (ITN) focuses on cutting edge, multidisciplinary research involving the complementary aspects of UHF MR. The HiMR ITN aims at attracting the future leaders of academia and industrial research in ultra-high field (UHF) magnetic resonance (MR), so as to address an increasing and currently unmet demand for such specialists.
Within the tasks of the ITN we have set-up the first Summer School on High Field Magnetic Resonance Methods and Applications (14-16 May 2015) that will be followed by a second Summer School at the end the Training Programme. The 2015 Summer School covers all the most important themes of development of UHF. The lectures are given by recognised international researchers in the MR field, including the supervisors of the HiMR ITN PhD students, as well as by researchers from outside the HiMR network. Each talk illustrates the cutting-edge state of the art of specific topics related to the HiMR programme. Each Early Stage Researcher (ESR) of the network presents his/her own work in a wider lecture perspective. Other invited lectures cover different aspects of the research activities in an interdisciplinary fashion, such as the realm of medical imaging industry, the physician perspectives on UHF MR, the methodology for scientific communication and writing, the protection of the Intellectual Property Rights and the application for funding for UHF MR Projects. Finally the combined modality PET-MR and the role of HiMR will be discussed.
The summer school is scheduled for May 14-16, 2015 at the Hotel Hermitage on La Biodola gulf, in the beautiful Elba Island near Pisa (Italy). It will be a three-day full-immersion that will also provide ample time for discussion, short meetings and setting up of future scientific collaborations. The summer school is also open to undergraduate, graduate students and postdoctoral research fellows.
  • Alberto Del Guerra
  • Alessandra Retico
  • Alessandro Sciarra
  • Andrew Goertzen
  • Carolina Fernandes
  • Catarina Rua
  • Christopher John Evans
  • Dennis Klomp
  • Gianluigi Tiberi
  • Harald Möller
  • Irati Markuerkiaga
  • Kerrin Pine
  • Kevin Murphy
  • Laura Biagi
  • Leah Maizey
  • Mahsa Fatahi
  • Maria Guidi
  • Mark E. Ladd
  • Matthew Restivo
  • Mauro Costagli
  • Michela Tosetti
  • Mika Vogel
  • mirco cosottini
  • N. Jon Shah
  • Nicolas Geades
  • Oliver Speck
  • Olivia Viessmann
  • Penny Gowland
  • peter.morris Morris
  • Riccardo Metere
  • Richard Wise
  • Serena Monti
  • Vitaliy Khlebnikov
  • Weirui Cai
  • Wenchuan Wu