Martina De Laurentis
POLIS is a suspended interferometer, presently under construction, devoted
to the generation of ponderomotive squeezed light and to the study of the
interaction of non classical quantum states, of light, and macroscopic
objects. The interferometer is a Michelson whose half-meter long arms are
constituted by high-finesse cavities, suspended to a seismic isolation
chain similar to the Virgo SuperAttenuator.
The mass of the suspended cavity mirrors are chosen to be tens of grams:
this value is sufficiently high to permit the use of the well tested Virgo
suspension techniques but also sufficiently small to generate the coupling
among the two phase quadratures with a limited amount of light in the
cavity, of the order of few tens of kW.
In the poster the main features of the interferometer are shown, together
with the expected sensitivity and squeezing factor.
Primary author
Martina De Laurentis
POLIS on behalf of POLIS Collaboration