
Recent Lattice QCD results relevant for flavour physics phenomenology

by Mr Francesco Sanfilippo (Southampton University)

C (Roma Tre)


Roma Tre

via della Vasca Navale 84
Forty years after their introductions, lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) methods are becoming more and more reliable tools to study the nonperturbative regime of strong interactions, whose features are particularly important in many sectors of the flavour phenomenology of the Standard Model (SM). After long and painstaking efforts, thanks to striking hardware and algorithmically evolution the methods entered an era in which all the main systematics effects affecting typical calculation can be kept under control. The increasing reliability of lattice QCD results make it a more and more powerful tool to make precision tests of flavour sector of SM. In the present talk I will illustrate how recent improvements are helping in providing tighten tests of flavour sector of SM, with particular attention to processes involving heavy hadrons, such as $D\toK\ell\nu$, $J/\psi\to e^+e^-$ and the radiative decays of charmonia system, discussing their relevance for the research of New Physics beyond the SM, both in the contest of the Unitarity Triangle analysis and besides of it.