To register to the CD2015 Conference is necessary to have an Indico account. If you do not have one, please follow the instructions in the prompt window that appears when you start the registration process. The registration fee is detailed in the following table: Conference fee Before June 15st from June 16st and on-site Full fee € 350,00 € 400,00 Reduced fee € 200,00 € 250,00 Invited plenary speakers and PhD students are entitled to the reduced registration fee. They should tick the appropriate button below. PhD students are required to send by e-mail a confirmation letter of their status signed by their tutor to the CD2015 Organizing Committee. The conference fee will be waived to PhD and Undergraduate students from Pisa University. Asti Incentives and Congressi srl (AIC) is in charge to manage the conference fee. The CD2015 conference fee can be paid on-site as well. The conference fee can be paid in advance by credit card (download the form) or by bank transfer addressed to: Asti Incentives & Congressi srl – c/o Monte dei Paschi di Siena, Ag. 1 Pisa C/C IBAN IT95D0103014000000002084433 SWIFT/BIC CODE: PASCITMMPIS Reference: name and surname - CD2015 Please, send the copy of the credit cart form or the bank transfer to For INFN staff or associates ONLY The payment of the registration fee will be done by the internal INFN procedure detailed below. Instructions to fill in the "Modulo Missioni INFN": People travelling on INFN funds DO NOT have to fill the "Conference fee" section in the online INFN Travel Expenses Form (Modulo Missione). Instead, they will have to indicate, in the field Ulteriori Note of the above mentioned Form, that the conference fee will be paid by internal procedure (La conference fee verrà pagata tramite storno fra sezioni). For further information, please contact the CD2015 Organizing Committee.
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