Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement: Its interrelation and effects on the hadron spectrum
Mario Schroeck
C (Roma Tre)
Roma Tre
via della Vasca Navale 84
We investigate the interrelation between the two main characteristic
phenomena of QCD, dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement. To
this end, we apply lattice QCD and adopt a method to artificially
restore the dynamically broken chiral symmetry. According to the
Banks-Casher relation, it is the low-mode part of the Dirac
eigenspectrum which is tied to the dynamical breaking of the chiral
symmetry. Utilizing two-flavor dynamical lattice gauge field
configurations, we construct valence quark propagators that exclude a
variable sized part of the low-mode Dirac spectrum, with the aim of
using these as an input for meson and baryon interpolating fields.
Subsequently, we explore the behavior of ground and excited states of
the low-mode truncated hadrons using the variational analysis method. We
look for the existence of confined hadron states, extract effective
masses where applicable and study the arising symmetries in the hadron