Novel Materials Properties at Atomically Thin Limit
Zhi-Xun Shen(Stanford University, USA)
Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)
Aula Conversi
Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi
In this talk, I will discuss recent progresses in uncovering novel materials properties at ultra-thin limit, with focus on monolayer superconductor FeSe and semiconductor MoSe2 respectively. In the former case I will show angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), mutual inductance, and other measurements on few-unit-cell thick FeSe films grown on Nb-doped SrTiO3. Our data provide clear evidence for the strong coupling between the FeSe electrons and certain collective modes of SrTiO3, suggesting a pathway of “integrated functional components” approach to boost superconducting properties. In the latter case I will use ARPES spectroscopy to demonstrate that in monolayer MoSe2 film appears a significant spin-splitting at the valence band maximum. This effect could greatly expand its possible application in spintronic devices.