ESS-Bilbao represents the Spanish contribution of the European Spallation Source Projects, which consists of the construction of a 5 MW proton accelerator, and a neutron producing facility for research in neutron science.
In addition, ESS-Bilbao will also build a smaller Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron source in Bilbao, where components of the European Projects will be tested under near-working conditions. The ESS-Bilbao Target and Neutron Applications Group is in charge of designing the neutron production target and target station for the Bilbao source and it is responsible for several Work Packages of the European Target as well.
In addition, the Group supports other ESS-Bilbao groups, such as the Accelerator Group, in the design of specific components. The group'smain areas of expertise are neutronics, activation, shielding, design of advanced cooling systems and thermomechanical design. On behalf of the ESS-Bilbao Target and Neutron Group, Mr. Fernando Martínez would like to present the main activities carried out by the group so that we can enhance the collaboration between INFN and ESS-Bilbao.