
Entanglement and Distinguishability of Quantum States

by Dr Augusto Smerzi (INO-CNR and LENS, Firenze)

Aula Teorici (Dipartimento di Fisica)

Aula Teorici

Dipartimento di Fisica

Via Irnerio, 46
Entanglement is an algebraic property of quantum states. Its physical interpretation is typically related to non-locality. We will show that entanglement is also connected to the concept of distinguishability of quantum states. Quantum mechanics put an upper bound on the minimal statistical distance between two classically correlated states of N q-bits. However, if the q-bits are entangled, the statistical distance can be drastically reduced. This because entangled states can evolve faster under unitary transformations than classical states. This has important implications in quantum interferometry as well as in the theory of quantum Zeno dynamics.