Editorial Board meeting

Aula direzione (LNF)

Aula direzione


Minutes of Editorial board meeting on Dec 11, 2012 integrated with futher discussion and interactions. Annotated list of things to do on the TDR General timing: aim at sending the TDR to the printer in mid january Signoff: system conveners should send me their final signoff by email so that the chapters can be handed over to the global readers. General style issues ==================== - Fix space at around the subsection titles - Fix balancing of columns on half empty pages (the package originally used, balance, was causing problems; maybe it is not worthwhile to solve the problems). - Style for common words: \SuperB, \babar - Style for units (\gev etc.) - Removing hanging indent for figure captions (this seems to be a problem of some latex installations and OK in the nightly build). - Bibliography style: provide uniform bibliographic style, including how to indicate etal etc. - Issue of reference to sites in small fonts Figures ======= - Figures need to have labels - Labels need to be readable - If there are multiple graphs a legend needs to be there - All figures need to be referred to in the text - Caption below figure - After signoff Chris will check figures Report numbers ============== We should publish with several numbers INFN (FF) LAL (Nicolas) SLAC (Blair) ISBN (FF) Arxiv submission Tables ====== - Don't force specific table style but maintain uniformity in chapter - Caption above table Front Matter ============ - Abstract: should be centered. FF will write it - Foreword: draft by FF - summary of project history - Authors: draft list by ALU - Chapter 2 - accelerator (Boscolo) - need to implement suggestions of GW (Manuela) - add crab waist - add references - fix figure and table orientation Chapter 3 - Det overview (FF) - fix figure of detector with hybrid forward EMC (FF) Chapter 4 - Physics (Bevan) - final corrections by Adrian - beef up a bit the tau/charm section Chapter 5 - MDI (Paoloni) - Quite a bit of work still - Improve radiative Bhabha description - missing part on DCH - fix titles - Write 5.6 on synchrotron radiation (Manuela) - 5.9 and 5.10 FTOF, fix ref needede (Nicolas) - Fig 24 and 25 IFR move legend inside and fix units on x-axis (Wander) - Remove fig 5.28 - subsubsection in 5.14 - use tdrparagraph - fix bibliography Chpater 6 - SVT (Rizzo) - OK for global reading - remove 6.1.5 heading - Try to improve table readability (6.15,6.16,6.18) - 6.7.8 adn 6.7.9 --> tdrparagraph. Check uniformity of levels - 6.9 check services and utilities Chapter 7 - DCH (Finocchiaro, Roney) - in final reading - several figures need to be fixed (De Sangro) - Bibliography: beef up or check whether references are left out Chapter 8 - PID (Arnaud, Vavra) - ready for global reading - Cost should be removed as soon as it appears in the budget chapter - extra reference at the end Chapter 9 - EMC (Cecchi, Porter) - last last final reading ongoing - change structure removing level Chapter 10 - IFR (Baldini) - ready for global reading - Fig 10.8, 10.10 move legend outside, increase font of axis - table 10.9 fix the FCTS_clk that is unclear - 10.11 remove bold Chapter 11 - Magnet (Fabbricatore, Forti) - insert missing table - add references - need final reading Chapter 12 - ETD (Luitz, Breton) - ready for global reading - appendix 12.A make single column - table 12.1 caption above Chapter 13 - Elex (Luitz, Breton) - Create summary text for all subsystems with reference to tables (Steffen) - Table 13.2 move caption - DCH part, remove smallfont in tables - 13.8 move caption - Fig 13.9 and 13.10 should become tables - Fig 13.11 remove "ASIC" in caption - Fig 13.18 and 13.19 say in caption what to note in figure Chapter 14 Computing (Bianchi) - few corrections to insert - Table 14.1 14.2 Caption above - Setction 14.3 R&D without spaces - p 450 - strange indent of "Data storage" Chapter 15 - ES&H - remove Chapter 16 Integration - need work to update (FF+Raffaelli) Chapter 17 Collaboration - missing figure (Blair) Chapter 18 cost and schedule - all the cost is in smartsheet. A global cost table will be generated. - Subsystems: check and update text in cost and schedule chapter
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