Kostyukov Igor
(Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod State University)
6/4/13, 6:00 PM
The electrons accelerated in plasma-based accelerator undergo betatron
oscillations and emit synchrotron radiation. The energy loss to synchrotron radiation may seriously affect electron acceleration. The electron dynamics under combined influence of the constant accelerating force and the classical radiation reaction force is studied. It is shown that electron acceleration cannot be limited...
Benno Zeitler
6/4/13, 6:18 PM
Laser wakefield accelerators deliver high quality electron beams in terms of emittance and bunch length. However there are also parameters which cannot compete with conventional machines, namely the spectral width as well as the shot to shot stability.
One reason for that is that there is no direct access to the injection mechanism of electrons into the plasma wakefield. Injecting a...
Jerome Faure
6/4/13, 6:36 PM
We will present the status of the FEMTOELEC project (ERC starting grant) whose goal is to develop a kHz, laser-plasma accelerator generating femtosecond electron bunches for applications to ultrafast electron diffraction. Simulations of the interaction of few millijoule, few cycle laser pulses with an underdense plasma have been performed and show that high-quality sub-fs electron bunches at...
Guoxing Xia
(Cockcroft Institute and the University of Manchester)
6/4/13, 6:54 PM
Simulation shows that the plasma wakefield driven by a high energy proton bunch can accelerate a bunch of electrons to the energy frontier (TeV) in a single stage of acceleration. It therefore offers us a novel solution to design a collider (either an electron-position collider or an electron-proton collider) using the existing high-energy proton machines, e.g. SPS or the LHC at CERN. This...
Antoine Chance
6/4/13, 7:12 PM
The laser-plasma acceleration is one of the most promising techniques to reach very high acceleration gradients of about 100 GeV/m. In order to push this acceleration scheme in the domain of the very high energies, the Equipex project CILEX was launched with the laser APOLLON. One of the main topics of this project is to study the multi-staged acceleration. It consists in generating and...