Design, development, test and operation of ISOL Target - Ion Source systems and other related devices for the production of radioactive ion beams in the context of SPES and ISOLPHARM.

by Dr Michele Ballan (INFN - LNL)

A. Rostagni meeting room

A. Rostagni meeting room


The design, development, test and operation of ISOL Target - Ion Source (TIS) systems require an extensive multidisciplinary know-how, including nuclear physics, multiphysics simulation, material development and testing, mechanical design, component design and testing. The seminar will provide a general overview of the activities performed in the last decade for the development, test and operation of the currently available solutions for the SPES TIS units. In particular, the procedure for the design and testing of ISOL targets will be presented, starting from the Monte Carlo simulations and material selection to the high temperature calibration and testing, with a deeper focus on the Silicon Carbide target adopted for the recent SPES commissioning tests. An overview on the optimization and characterization activities performed on the ISOL ion sources will be provided, with a deeper focus on the FEBIAD ion source testing and operation. Furthermore, details on the developed ancillary components essential for the correct TIS operation will be presented.

In addition to the activities related to the SPES TIS systems, the seminar will also cover some aspects of ISOLPHARM, an experiment devoted to the R&D on radionuclides of medical interest exploiting the radioactive ion beams producible at SPES. In such context, the activity was aimed at the identification and study of the feasibility of the production of specific radionuclides of interest, both considering the already studied uranium carbide target and proposing other possible target materials. in addition, in order to allow for the effective collection of the ions of interest, specific radionuclide deposition substrates were developed, together with a machine capable of automatically handling the irradiate collection targets.

Lastly, some details on the complementary activities for the two topics will be provided.

Organised by

Pierfrancesco Mastinu