WG1 Monthly Meeting
Monday, 9 December 2024 -
Monday, 9 December 2024
The Strong CP problem and instantonic symmetries
Eduardo Garcia-Valdecasas
The Strong CP problem and instantonic symmetries
Eduardo Garcia-Valdecasas
14:00 - 14:59
Spontaneous breaking of symmetries leads to universal phenomena. We extend this notion to (−1)-form U(1) symmetries. The spontaneous breaking is diagnosed by a dependence of the vacuum energy on a constant background field θ, which can be probed by the topological susceptibility. This leads to a reinterpretation of the Strong CP problem as arising from a spontaneously broken instantonic symmetry in QCD. We discuss how known solutions to the problem are unified in this framework and explore some, so far unsuccessful, attempts to find new solutions. Based on 2402.00117 and 2408.00067