The European Strategy for Particle Physics has identified an e+e- Higgs factory as the highest priority next collider to address the fundamental physics questions which remain open. The international community has started to organize the R&D efforts to study the feasibility of such a collider, identify physics-driven detector requirements and the design of next generation particle detectors of which calorimeters represent a central system. In this context, the long history of crystal homogeneous calorimeters in pushing the frontier of high energy resolution measurements for EM particles represents a unique opportunity compared to other sampling calorimeter technologies. In particular, a novel hybrid dual-readout calorimeter concept with a homoegenous crystal EM section followed by a fiber-based HAD section could represent a cost effective solution to achieve an energy resolution of 3%/โ๐ธ for EM particles, 27%/โ๐ธ for neutral hadrons and 5% for 50 GeV jets - a key performance benchmark for future colliders. Simulation studies to optimize the design of such a calorimeter and R&D and prototyping efforts are ongoing to demonstrate its technical feasibility.
Riccardo Paramatti