Jun 5 – 9, 2012
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone


ECLOUD'12 Registration Form

Opened Jan 31, 2012
Closed May 10, 2012

Participants are expected to attend the conference for its full duration and they should carefully fill in the following Registration Form not later than Sunday, April 30th, 2012 . The Conference secretariat will take care of the Hotel reservation. Please note that after this deadline we cannot guarantee an accommodation. There is a registration fee of 300 €, including bus transportation from Rome Fiumicino airport to the conference venue and vice versa (see Travel on the left menu), proceedings, and conference material. To encourage Students and young scientists (under 30 years of age) to participate to the workshop, "Francesco-Ruggiero grants" will be available so that, for them, the registration fee will be reduced to 100 €. Students/young scientists who wish to apply for the "grants" are kindly requested to send an e-mail including a short curriculum vitae. We strongly suggest students and young scientists to book double rooms at hotel Danila. The Registration fee can be paid by bank transfer (advance payment) to: Ricerca Fondamentale in Fisica c/o INFN-Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa Banca Prossima IBAN: IT22 C033 5901 6001 0000 0015 628 BIC: BCITITMX Ref: Ecloud'12, fee of (participant's name) (transfer fee at the sender's charge) You are kindly requested to give the transaction receipt at the Registration Desk or cash, on site at the Meeting Registration Desk (Hotel Hermitage) upon arrival. In addition to euros, US dollars will be accepted, as well as EC and traveler's checks. Personal checks can only be accepted if drawn on an Italian bank. However, credit cards cannot be accepted for the payment of the registration fee.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.