Jan 27 – 30, 2025
Venue: Università degli Studi di Firenze - Dipartimento di Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo
Europe/Rome timezone
With support of INTRANS, the Instrumentation and Training task of EURO-LABS for Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reaction Dynamics

Requirements for the Practical Sessions


The GOSIA code is available at the following link, where manuals and further documentation can also be found:



Personal laptop

Each participant will use their own laptop for the practical sessions, and they are encouraged to install GOSIA prior the attendance at the school. A limited number of electrical plugs will be available in the room. It is strongly advised to charge the laptop during the night in the hotel and, only if needed, during the lunch break in the room where the lessons will take place (only a few spots will be available).



The instructions to access the WiFi network will be provided closer to the event.