Roberto, Manuel, Andrea, Francesca B., Pietro A., Gaia, Amrit, Antonio, Arvind, Cristina R., Davide,Gleb, Luigi, Neelima, Nicola, Nicolò, Rajesh, Sofia S., Sofia T.
News from Pietro:
welcome to the new PhD students! Also, changes in the TOF manangement -> see slides for details.
Time characterization of different NUV-HD SiPMs prototypes -- Gaia:
Q: How much were the sensors irradiated for?
A: the new ones were exposed to beams few hours to 1 night.
Comment: picoTDC beam data to be checked still, instabilities (not sending data even with high thresholds) observed in the two protoypes and needs to be checked.
Q: It seems there is a difference in amplitude for irradiated vs not irradiated sensors + baseline offset. Did you look into that? We expect the amplitude should not be modified.
A: I believe the problem lies in the baseline and is to be checked.
Q: how many spads do you see when you focus the laser to the best you can do?
A: 4/5 spads - it's complicated to focus it and it depends on the pitch, which in these sensors is 40µm compared to 20 µm of those used by Sofia in the past where she could not see any spad.
To do: check also the contribution due to the laser to the timing resolution
Reference to paper mentioned by PIetro:
Analysis update: proton femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at 5.36 TeV -- Gleb:
Q: Did you compare p-p vs pbar--pbar CFs as STAR did for Nature ( few years ago?
A: Yes, we compared the CFs for particles and antiparticles and, despite at the beginning we had some differences, these were explained by analysis cuts and now we see consistent CFs. We did not go all the way to extract scattering lenght and phase shift parameter but it could be done in the future when we get the final good reco of data.
ePIC: the RDO board for dRICH readout -- Davide:
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