Christopher Sachrajda
Extending the Range and Precision of Lattice Flavourdynamics
Precision Flavour Physics is a very powerful tool for exploring the limits of the Standard Model and in searches for New Physics. The precision of theoretical predictions for physical quantities is generally limited by our ability to evaluate the hadronic effects sufficiently accurately. In recent years, progress in Lattice QCD has improved to allow us to evaluate these non-pertubative effects for several quantities, such as leptonic decay constants and semileptonic form factors, at the percent level or better, requiring the introduction of isospin breaking corrections, and in particular QED effects, to make further progress. In order to apply Lattice QCD to other processes new theoretical methods are being developed. I will briefly review the status and prospects for these new developments, with illustrations including \epsilon_K, K \to \pi \pi decays and B_s \to \mu+ \mu- \gamma decays and I will discuss prospects for applying Lattice QCD to B_s \to K \mu+ \mu- decays.
Much of the work that I will be reviewing has been done in collaboration with colleagues from Rome.
Laura Cardani, Angelo Esposito, Valerio Ippolito