Sep 13 – 16, 2011
Queen Mary - University of London
Europe/Rome timezone


Parallel 5 - Computing + Physics: FastSim Tutorial

Sep 14, 2011, 11:00 AM
Queen Mary - University of London

Queen Mary - University of London

<a target="_blank" href=>School of Physics</a> </br>e-mail: <a href="">Local Organizing Committee


EVO Details: The web password is superb

People can connect via the EVO phone bridge, using an appropriate number from and the following codes:
Phone Bridge ID: 10 9383 Phone Bridge Password: 5939

Tutorial description
The first part will be an overview of how FastSim works. The second part will be an interactive tutorial. The target is beginners.
The requirements to follow the second part interactively are:
-)having installed a test release before the session, following the instructions in
till the paragraph "Setup your test release" (those not having the release installed may still play with the output ROOT files, that will be linked)
-)having ROOT (>5.20 if possible) installed on the laptop.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Matteo Rama (LNF)
9/14/11, 11:00 AM
Building timetable...