Mandelbrot CPU vs GPU¶
Mandelbrot Set:¶
$$f_c^n = f_c(f_c^{n-1})$$
$$f_c(z) = z^2 + c$$
$$z_{n+1} = z_n^2 + c$$
$$\lVert z_n \rVert > 2$$
Questo programma è scritto e eseguito all'interno di un Jupyter notebook.
È possibile eseguirlo su installazioni cloud per esempio andando su questa pagina:
Quì è possibile accedere ad una implementazione online gratuita, che consente di caricare e girare questo notebook su CPU.
Altrimenti, è possibile installare l'ambiente anche sul proprio PC.
Un software consigliato per la gestione di ambienti virtuali e pacchetti è Anaconda.
Se si possiede una GPU Nvidia, è possibile installare CUDA per girare il codice anche sulla GPU.
Il codice è scritto in Python 3.x
I pacchetti necessari sono numpy
e matplotlib
Il pacchetto pycuda
è necessario solo in caso di GPU.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import colors
import pycuda.autoinit
import pycuda.gpuarray as gpuarray
from pycuda.elementwise import ElementwiseKernel
use_gpu = True
except ImportError:
use_gpu = False
This code is executed on CPU only
# compute the entire matrix of points
def mandelbrot_cpu(c, maxiter):
output = np.zeros(c.shape)
z = np.zeros(c.shape, np.complex64)
for it in range(maxiter+1):
notdone = np.less(z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag, 4.0)
output[notdone] = it
z[notdone] = z[notdone]**2 + c[notdone]
output[output == maxiter] = 0
return output
# create the matrix
def mandelbrot_set_cpu(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,maxiter):
r1 = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width, dtype=np.float32)
r2 = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height, dtype=np.float32)
c = r1 + r2[:,None]*1j
n3 = mandelbrot_cpu(c,maxiter)
return (r1,r2,n3.T)
This code is executed on GPU
# kernel that will be executed on a single cell of the GPU
if use_gpu: complex_num32 = ElementwiseKernel(
"float *q_real, float *q_imag, int *output, int maxiter",
float real_tmp;
//float real = q_real[i];
//float imag = q_imag[i];
float real = 0;
float imag = 0;
output[i] = 0;
for(int curiter = 0; curiter < maxiter; curiter++) {
real_tmp = real*real - imag*imag + q_real[i];
imag = 2 * real*imag + q_imag[i];
real = real_tmp;
if (real*real + imag*imag >= 4.0f){
output[i] = curiter;
preamble="""#include <pycuda-complex.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>""",)
# move the matrix to the GPU and compute all the points
def mandelbrot_gpu(c, maxiter):
r_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c.real)
i_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(c.imag)
iterations_gpu = gpuarray.to_gpu(np.empty(c.shape, dtype=np.int32))
complex_num32(r_gpu, i_gpu, iterations_gpu, maxiter)
return iterations_gpu.get()
# create the matrix
def mandelbrot_set_gpu(xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax,width,height,maxiter):
r1 = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, width, dtype=np.float32)
r2 = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, height, dtype=np.float32)
c = r1 + r2[:,None]*1j
orig_shape = c.shape
c = np.ravel(c)
n3 = mandelbrot_gpu(c, maxiter)
n3 = n3.reshape(orig_shape)
return (r1,r2,n3.T)
# Parameters
xmin = -2.0; xmax = 0.5
ymin = -1.25; ymax = 1.25
dim_cpu = 9000; dim_gpu = 50000
maxiter = 100
# compute on CPU
%time cpu_res = mandelbrot_set_cpu(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dim_cpu, dim_cpu, maxiter)
CPU times: user 26.2 s, sys: 8.1 s, total: 34.3 s Wall time: 34.3 s
# compute on GPU (only if pycuda is installed)
%time gpu_res = mandelbrot_set_gpu(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, dim_gpu, dim_gpu, maxiter) \
if use_gpu else mandelbrot_set_cpu(0,0,0,0,1,1,0)
CPU times: user 28.3 s, sys: 3.5 s, total: 31.8 s Wall time: 32 s
percentages = [0, 1, 0, 1] # plot the entire figure
slice_cpu = (len(cpu_res[2]) * np.array(percentages)).astype(int)
slice_gpu = (len(gpu_res[2]) * np.array(percentages)).astype(int)
data_cpu = cpu_res[2].T[slice_cpu[0]:slice_cpu[1],slice_cpu[2]:slice_cpu[3]]
data_gpu = gpu_res[2].T[slice_gpu[0]:slice_gpu[1],slice_gpu[2]:slice_gpu[3]]
norm = colors.PowerNorm(0.3)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,20))
im0 = axs[0].imshow(data_cpu, cmap='gnuplot2', norm=norm)
im1 = axs[1].imshow(data_gpu, cmap='gnuplot2', norm=norm)
percentages = [0.165, 0.185, 0.705, 0.725] # plot only a portion of the figure
slice_cpu = (len(cpu_res[2]) * np.array(percentages)).astype(int)
slice_gpu = (len(gpu_res[2]) * np.array(percentages)).astype(int)
data_cpu = cpu_res[2].T[slice_cpu[0]:slice_cpu[1],slice_cpu[2]:slice_cpu[3]]
data_gpu = gpu_res[2].T[slice_gpu[0]:slice_gpu[1],slice_gpu[2]:slice_gpu[3]]
norm = colors.PowerNorm(0.3)
fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20,20))
axs[0].imshow(data_cpu, cmap='gnuplot2', norm=norm)
axs[1].imshow(data_gpu, cmap='gnuplot2', norm=norm)