This is June's edition of the newsletter of the COST action. The aim is to keep you updated on recent and upcoming conferences and postdoc positions on subjects related to WISPs.
Cosmic Wispers preprints
Title: "Uncovering axion-like particles in supernova gamma-ray spectra," - F. Calore, P. Carenza, C. Eckner, M. Giannotti, G. Lucente, A. Mirizzi, F. Sivo, ArXiv: 2306.03925 [astro-ph.HE]
Summary: A future Galactic Supernova (SN) explosion can lead to a gamma-ray signal induced by ultralight Axion-Like Particles (ALPs) thermally produced in the SN core and converted into high-energy photons in the Galactic magnetic field. Here, we show that the detection of such a signal by the Large Area Telescope aboard the Fermi Gamma-Ray Space Telescope would allow us to reconstruct the ALP-photon coupling within a factor of 2, mainly due to the uncertainties on the modeling of the Galactic magnetic field.
Title: "Getting the most of supernova axoins," - A. Lella, P. Carenza, G. Co', G. Lucente, M. Giannotti, A. Mirizzi, T. Rauscher, ArXiv: 2306.03925 [astro-ph.HE]
Summary: Axion-like particles (ALPs) coupled to nucleons might be copiously emitted from supernova (SN) core. We extend existing bounds on free-streaming ALPs to trapping regime. For strongly-interacting ALPs, we also extend the bound from the absence of an ALP-induced signal in Kamiokande-II neutrino detector at the time of SN 1987A. We find that combining the different arguments, the SN bounds exclude canonical QCD axion models for masses larger than 0.01 eV. Thiis results prevents the possibility for current and future cosmological surveys to detect any signature of hot dark matter axions.
Title: "A generic formation mechanism of ultralight dark matter solar halos", Budker, Eby, Gorghetto, Jiang, Perez, ArXiv:2306.12477 [hep-ph]
Summary: We show that scattering through self-interactions of axion like particles can lead to rapid capture in the gravitational field of astrophysical objects, like stars and planets. The resulting bound state is akin to a gravitational atom, being bound by the 1/r potential of the source. In our solar system, this leads iin some cases to the striking prediction of overdensiities at the position of Earth, as large as 10^4.
Title: "Detection of bosenova with quantum sensors on Earth and in space", - Arakawa, Eby, Safronova, Takhistov, Zaheer, ArXiv: 2306.16468 [astro-ph.HE]
Summary: We show how the relativistic emission in collapsing boson stars, known as bosenova, can give rise to novel signals in quantum sensing experiments through scalar couplings to photons, electrons and gluons. In substantial regions of parameter space, a bosenova occurring between pc-kpc away from Earth would be detectable in current and near-future experiments.
We encourage participants in the cost action to send us a small summary, typically smaller than the abstract, of their own articles that will appear in the arXiv in July (after they appear, with their arXiv numbers). The summary will be disseminated in the newsletter of July.
Send email to
Damiano Fiorillo
Giovanni Grilli di Cortona
with subject:
preprint summary for Cosmic Wispers newsletter July 2023
PhD/Postdoc/Junior Positions