Symmetries in physical laws are particularly important far our understanding of their nature and consequences. They, either exact or only approximate, play an essential role in the fields of elementary particle and nuclear physics. The fact that nuclear forces are about the same exchanging protons with neutrons (charge symmetry) and that they are almost the same with sequential exchange of a neutron far a proton (charge independence) allows us to treat protons and neutrons as different states of the same particle (the nucleon) and to classify nuclear states according to the different representation of a symmetry group, the isospin SU(2). This may be stateci as hadronic forces are invariant under rotation in isospin space and is ultimately relateci to the near degeneracy of up and down quarks [1 ]. This is roughly true if we consider that the nuclear farce, at least when measured in free space, is not quite charge symmetric . In the seminar the status and the perspectives of this researchline will be presented.
Giacomo de Angelis