DarkSide-20k Summer Collaboration Meeting 2023 at LNGS

Auditorium E. Fermi (LNGS)

Auditorium E. Fermi




The meeting will take place at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory (LNGS) in Assergi, Italy.

Registration is mandatory in order to attend the meeting. The form for registration and fee payment is available by clicking on the Registration Form (direct link: https://conferenceregistration.h-solution.eu/darkside2023/). Deadline for registration will be May 31, 2023.

The fee will be 110 euro. For further information (e.g. invoices, payment methods) or any support about the payment form, please do contact: helpdesk@conferenceregistration.h-solution.eu.

On June 14 starting from 9:00 pm a social dinner will take place at the lovely restaurant of Nido dell'Aquila Hotel. The cost will be 45 euro per person and can be paid directly at the restaurant (no advance payment). Social dinner attendance must be confirmed on the registration form by checking the proper box.

Lunches will be available at LNGS canteen starting from 1:30 pm (cost will be 7,50 euro approximately).

The detailed agenda will be posted soon.

It will be possible to remotely attend the meeting. Submission of registration form is mandatory also for remote attendees (the link to the Zoom meeting will be sent via email only to registered participants). No fee is foreseen by the way for remote attendance.

A list of meeting-affiliated hotels is available in the section Accommodation as well as instructions for reservation.

Shuttle buses (from meeting-affiliated hotels only) to LNGS will be available during the meeting days. The shuttle bus service is included in the fee and must be selected in the registration form by checking the proper box. Timetable will be posted soon and will be available at the reception desk of each affiliated hotel.

If interested in the underground lab during the meeting please select the proper check box in the registration form to sign up for the visit.