This is January's edition of the newsletter of the COST action. The aim is to keep you updated on recent and upcoming conferences and postdoc positions on subjects related to WISPs.
Postdoc/Junior Positions
Postdoc position in particle theory beyond the SM, CPT Marseille, link (deadline Feb. 7th)
Lecturer in Physics, King’s College London, link (deadline Feb. 5th)
Assistant professor in particle physics phenomenology, SISSA, Trieste link (deadline Feb. 9th)
Postdoctoral position (CERN-NA-062), Max Planck Institute, Munich link (deadline Feb. 1st)
Research associate in experimental. Particle physics - ML for vertexing, U.Siegen link (deadline Feb.18th)
Post-Doc position in NeutrinoPhysics, IFAE Barcelona link (deadline Feb. 8th)
Neutrino Physics (CEvNS) at the European Spallation Source, Donostia Intel.Phys Centre link (deadline Feb. 28th)
Research associate in theoretical cosmology, Sheffield U. link (deadline Feb. 1st)
Postdoctoral position, Max Planck Institute, Munich link (deadline March 1st)
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Astroparticle Physics, Geneva U. link (deadline March 1st)
Neutrino-interaction modelling for current and future experiments, Valencia U. IFIC link (deadline March 1st)
Kick-off Meeting of COST Action “COSMIC WISPers in the Dark Universe” link