Science for the large observatories
- Matteo Barsuglia
- Marica Branchesi (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
- Barbara Patricelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
Giancarlo Ghirlanda
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio di Brera & INFN sezione di Milano Bicocca)
5/22/23, 11:00 AM
GW observatories
The near and long term future of multi-messenger astronomy is strictly bound to the evolution of detectors for GW and of major ground/space-based electromagnetic facilities. Also our knowledge of the current MM sources is expected to evolve in the next few years with refinements of the current scenarios and possible new classes of EM counterparts. I will discuss the main challenges and needs...
Bram Slagmolen
(The Australian National University),
Harald Lueck, Prof.
Kentaro Somiya
(Tokyo Institute of Technology),
Lisa Barsotti
Rana Adhikari
Stefan Ballmer
(Syracuse University),
Viviana Fafone
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
5/22/23, 11:40 AM
GW observatories
Scientific objectives of different GW projects, the R&D needed to reach the goals, the potential difficulties and opportunities