Season 4 Episode 4 PhD Seminar
Wednesday, 8 June 2022 -
Monday, 6 June 2022
Tuesday, 7 June 2022
Wednesday, 8 June 2022
Making time for quantum gravity
Giulia Maniccia
Making time for quantum gravity
Giulia Maniccia
18:00 - 18:20
Due to gravity being a constrained theory, the Universe evolution is plagued by a “freezing” in the canonical quantum formalism, since the Dirac scheme implies no evolution in time. A possible solution is to define a relational time from existing variables to regain standard QFT evolution, and one can even go to the next order with a perturbative expansion, to infer the quantum gravitational corrections to the quantum matter dynamics. I will briefly address how time can be defined using a reference frame fixing (emerging as a fluid) and the emergence of quantum gravity corrections.
18:20 - 18:30