
The MareNostum Numerical Cosmology Project: Simulating the Universe from Large Scale Structures to the Local Group

by Prof. Gustavo Yepes (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid)

Aula Rasetti (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Rasetti

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi

Supercomputing is becoming an indispensable research tool in many scientific disciplines where the object of study is either very risky or simply impossible to experiment with it. This is certainly the case in Astrophysics. Due to the extreme non-linear physical processes responsible for the formation and evolution of structures in the universe, numerical astrophysics is one of the disciplines which is always begging for increasing supercomputing resources. In this seminar I will review the work done by the MareNostrum Numerical Cosmology Project, an international collaboration with the aim of simulating the formation and evolution of different cosmic structures in the Universe, ranging from the largest scales (cluster and supercluster of galaxies), to the most nearby ones (the Local Universe and the Local Group), starting from cosmological initial conditions and assuming different dark matter candidates (cold, warm, interacting, etc).