10:00 AM
Introductory presentation about ASREN and the motivations and goals of the event
Yousef Torman
(ASREN - Jordan)
10:05 AM
ASREN efforts Towards a FAIR Compliant Commons in the ASREN Region
Raed Al Zoubi
(ASREN - Jordan)
10:15 AM
A standard-based and scalable digital asset management system to “turn on” FAIR compliant digital repositories
Roberto Barbera
(University of Catania - Italy)
10:25 AM
Experiences from Ethiopia
Behailu Korma
(Higher Education Strategy Center - Ethiopia)
10:35 AM
Experiences from Somalia
Mohamed A. Ahmed
(SomaliREN - Somalia)
10:45 AM
How to become a DataCite member to mint Digital Object Identifiers for FAIR research outputs
Helena Cousijn
(DataCite - Germany)
10:55 AM
Open Access policies and governance models of FAIR compliant national repositories: the case of Ethiopia
Margareth Gfrerer
(Higher Education Strategy Center - Ethiopia)
11:05 AM