Season 1 Episode 2 PhD Seminar
Wednesday, 5 May 2021 -
Monday, 3 May 2021
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Wednesday, 5 May 2021
Simone Francescato
INFN and Sapienza Università di Roma
Simone Francescato
INFN and Sapienza Università di Roma
17:00 - 17:05
Room: Zoom only
Getting hotter by heating less: how driven granular materials dissipate energy in excess
Andrea Plati
Getting hotter by heating less: how driven granular materials dissipate energy in excess
Andrea Plati
17:05 - 17:25
Room: Zoom only
A fundamental question in systems driven out of thermodynamic equilibrium is how the properties of the Non Equilibrium Stationary States (NESS) are related to the specific mechanisms by which external energy is supplied. In this talk, i will introduce granular materials in the context of non equilibrium statistical mechanics. I will focus on experimental and numerical results about the occurrence of non monotonic energy transfer to a driven dense granular system [1]. This counter intuitive effect can be understood by frictional effects and i will present an analytically solvable model that well reproduces the observed phenomenology, illustrating the role of the competing effects of forcing and dissipation. [1]: Plati et al. Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013011
17:25 - 17:35
Room: Zoom only
Chasing dark matter with ATLAS at the LHC
Guglielmo Frattari
Chasing dark matter with ATLAS at the LHC
Guglielmo Frattari
17:35 - 17:55
Room: Zoom only
Among open questions in physics, the nature of dark matter is one of the most fascinating and yet far to be solved. Its existence is proven by many experimental observations of the cosmos: if the dark matter has a particle nature it might be produced and measured at particle accelerators. This talk will present a search for dark matter particles in proton-proton collisions measured by the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider by looking at events in which a large amount of missing energy is detected in the final states.
17:55 - 18:05
Room: Zoom only
Informal breakout sessions with speakers
Andrea Plati
Guglielmo Frattari
Informal breakout sessions with speakers
Andrea Plati
Guglielmo Frattari
18:10 - 18:30
Room: Zoom only