11:35 AM
Results on the R&D of the FAZIA Detectors for Nuclear (Thermo)Dynamics
N. Le Neindre
(LPC Caen)
12:00 PM
The RIPEN Setup for Neutron Spectroscopy
M. Cinausero
12:15 PM
New Perspectives for the Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy at LNL: the GALILEO Project
C. Ur
(INFN Padova)
12:30 PM
The NEDA Array
J.J. Valiente Dobon
12:45 PM
Status of the TRACE Array
D. Mengoni
(U. of West Scotland)
1:00 PM
Diagnostic Devices for Radioactive Ion Beams at INFN LNS
L. Cosentino
1:20 PM
Concluding Remarks
A. Covello
(INFN & U. of Napoli)