Sep 7 – 9, 2021
Urbino/Palazzo Battiferri
Europe/Rome timezone



Opened Mar 29, 2021
Closed Sep 2, 2021
Contact info

The partecipation in presence will be possible only with the Green Pass.
It will be possible to participate online.

Registration fee (to be paid before August 25)
In presence:
Standard: 200 Euros or 250 Euros with social dinner
( it includes the right to become member of the SIGRAV society for the following two years)
SIGRAV members: 150 Euros or 200 Euros with social dinner
Students: 50 Euros or 100 Euros with social dinner
( it includes the right to become member of the SIGRAV society for the following two years)

Online: 20 €.

Registration Fees have to be payed before August 25 as bank transfer to: Società Italiana di Relatività Generale e Fisica della Gravitazione,
IBAN: IT44 Z020 080360 300010 3496472

Then, please send the receipt of you bank transfer to

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.