M. Xu summarized the status of the beam test preliminary preparation
(see slides of the talk at hardware meeting on 23rd July: https://agenda.infn.it/event/23669/)
N. Mori said that INFN Florence is absolutely interested in collaborating with IHEP to
prepare a calorimeter prototype with double readout system (IsCMOS + photodiodes).
G. Ambrosi underlined that this is a main target for the next test beam. N. Mori
added that dedicated technical meetings should be called soon.
F. Gargano described the plans for PSD test beam. Small bars and tiles prototypes
will be built and tested with ions at CERN. Details will be discussed in dedicated
C. Perrina said that the University of Geneva is interested in testing the protoFIT
and the new ASIC.
G. Ambrosi called for an "integrated test" of a mockup of the final detector, not
just the single pieces put together. The different sub-detectors should be placed
in relative positions that are similar to the final configuration. M. Xu agreed that
a "HERD prototype" should be tested. The engineering effort must be coordinated and
each institute should start working towards this goal.
F. Gargano pointed out that also the DAQ is an issue for integration. G. Ambrosi said
that the most reasonable thing is to go with independent, synchronized DAQ systems.
N. Mazziotta proposed to have calorimeter tests also without any upstream material.
Detailed information about the beam schedule can be found at:
https://edms.cern.ch/ui/#!master/navigator/document?D:100653467:1006534 67:subDocs
(requires a CERN account). M. Xu will take care of monitoring the page, and in September
will get in contact with the SPS coordinator to get information about the beam time
request submission schedule. G. Ambrosi will contact X. Wu to discuss about a possible
"CERN recongnized experiment" status for HERD.
The next meeting is called tentatively for 24th September. Each group should provide a
few slides about the ideas for the sub-detectors they are in charge of. At that
meeting a "mechanical engineering working group" should be defined to work on the
integration of the mechanics. The DAQ and services issues will be addressed in the
subsequent meeting (October).