Jacobi and Poincare shape transitions in hot rotating nuclei
Adam MAJ(The Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland)
LNL Meeting Room (LNL)
LNL Meeting Room
At sufficiently high-temperature (T>2 MeV) the nuclear configurations loose the memory of shell-effects and the corresponding nuclei are governed principally by the Coulomb repulsion and the surface-tension remnant of the nucleonic attraction. The additional presence of high angular momentum destabilizes nuclear systems due to increasing role of the nuclear Coriolis effect. This leads, at angular momenta larger than a certain critical values to shape and possibly phase transitions. Several scenarios related to spin-and-temperature induced shape transitions are predicted, each of them having analogy in the forms of motion of stellar objects. In particular the so called Jacobi and Poincare instability and implied shape transitions lead from an oblate nuclear shape, rotating along the symmetry axis, through the sequence of tri-axially symmetric shapes to the elongated forms rotating perpendicularly to the symmetry axis, that eventually go into the octupole-like shapes.
In the talk the (scarce) experimental evidence for shape transition will be presented and possible future projects, which employ the neutron-rich beams and new instrumentastion, will be discussed.