Naming conventions:


Since the DB is filled automatically with a very simple script, a convention for repository and files should be followed



  1. For overleaf users:

    1. send a list of github userids that should be added to list with commit rights for a project <detector>-<year>-<number>
    2. from the menu => github sharing => link and synch your project with this repository (it will create it), then push changes (the first time and every time you want to sync github, i.e. to make a new version for the DB)

  2. For plain git users:

    1. ask PubCom to create a repository for your paper (same naming convention above)
    2. work, commit, and push changes

  3. For everyone:

    1. Repositories are private, since these are for internal revisions, so send a list of github userids that should be added to list with commit rights


When you want to make a new “frozen” version for some reason (e.g. to go to PubCom revision), ask PubCom, and all the fields in the airtable DB will be updated.


Airtable “view”:


For PubCom:

  1. to create a new entry, just make a new entry in the Paper ID. This should correspond to the git repository name

  2. insert manually also the title (I can make the script to parse the latex file and extract it automatically, but maybe we want it fixed)

  3. change the status to the appropriate one

  4. run the script (can be found in

    1. python CYGNO-20-001 --make upgit -v V1
    2. this will:

      1. compile the latest version in git
      2. change the output PDF name in <detector>-<year>-<number>-<version>.pdf

      3. push the PDF in the repo and tag the repository with <version>

      4. update automatically the airtable DB with the latest PDF and link to git with the latex code and figures