LENPA Workshop 2020

Aula Magna (Main Auditorium) (University of Milan)

Aula Magna (Main Auditorium)

University of Milan

Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 Milano MI


The difficult situation in Italy and worldwide due to the COVID-19 crisis makes very difficult to attend conferences and workshops.
After internal discussions on the possible solutions, it was decided to postpone the Workshop for the end of June 2021.
The exact dates and further organization details will be circulated around as soon as possible, while the website will be updated at the beginning of next year.

We are very sorry for this inconvenience, but in this situation it is the best and most reasonable thing to do.
For any question or information, please don't hesitate to contact us (lenpa2020@mi.infn.it).
Thanks for your attention and stay healthy.



Location: University of Milan.

Scientific Committee: Gianpaolo Bellini (co-chair), Frank Calaprice (co-chair), Wick Haxton, Aldo Ianni, Kunio Inoue, Takaaki Kajita, Luciano Maiani, Viktor Matveev, Marco Pallavicini, Serguey Petcov, Gioacchino Ranucci (co-chair), Kate Scholberg, Oleg Smirnov, Atsuto Suzuki, Yōichirō Suzuki, Yifang Wang.

Local Organizer Committee: Davide Basilico (webmaster), Gianpaolo Bellini (chair), Barbara Caccianiga, Paolo Lombardi, Lino Miramonti (scientific secretary), Gioacchino Ranucci, Silvia Rognoni.


  • Atsuto Suzuki
  • Behzad Salmassian
  • Davide Basilico
  • Devansh Shukla
  • Hrishikesh M Namboothiripad
  • Hyeonja Jhang
  • Justin P Oommen
  • Keerthana Rajan L
  • Kewal Chhetri
  • Lino Miramonti
  • Lucas Nascimento Machado
  • Merlin Varghese
  • Mohamed Ismaiel
  • Pratik Kafle
  • Suman Kumar