The school aims to attract graduate students as well as young postdocs interested in the areas of Theoretical particle physics, Cosmology, Gravity, Holography, and Scattering Amplitudes.
There will be blackboard lectures on cosmology, scattering amplitudes, holography and the intersection among these fields, including the topics of asymptotic symmetries, de Sitter physics and positive geometries.
Dionysios Anninos (King's College London)
Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS, Princeton)
Simon Caron-Huot (McGill University)
Tristan McLaughlin (Trinity College Dublin)
Enrico Pajer (DAMTP Cambridge)
Gerard 't Hooft (ITP Utrecht)
with a public lecture by Gerard 't Hooft.
The school will take place in the historical Ex-Convitto Palmieri, in downtown Lecce. Lecce is the capital of Salento, the heel of Italy and the home of the University of Salento, with approximately 20,000 students. A city of ancient origin, Lecce is renowned in Italy for its Baroque architecture of the XVI century. Salento is also renowned for its beautiful coastline and traditions. It includes a Greek Speaking area called “Grecia Salentina”, where an ancient Greek language (Griko) is spoken.
School Directors
Paolo Benincasa, Claudio Corianò.
Organising Committee
Paolo Benincasa, Claudio Corianò, Pietro Colangelo, Fulvia De Fazio, Paul H. Frampton, Matteo Maria Maglio, Mirko Serino, Dimosthenis Theofilopoulos.