Space Radiobiology and Precision Galactic Cosmic Ray Measurements on how the AMS02 experiment on the International Space Station can help the radiation health hazard assessment in exploratory space missions

Aula Conversi (Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi)

Aula Conversi

Dip. di Fisica - Edificio G. Marconi


In the last two decades many experiment was built and deployed  in space to produce a complete inventory of charged particles and nuclei in cosmic-ray (CR). The physics goals are the study of CR properties, indirect search of Dark Matter and  direct search of primordial antimatter. By now precise  measurements of CR components exist in the energy region from few KeV to hundreds of TeV.

Such precision measurements can be used also to evaluate the health hazard of astronauts due to the exposure to ionizing radiation in exploratory space missions and are of interest  for the space scientist (physicists, biologist, engineers, …) working on space radiation and health.

These seminars are addressed to a broad audience of researchers and students of different discipline.

We shall start with a  detailed description of the AMS02 experiment installed since 2011 on the International Space Station, to which construction took part also a group of INFN Roma and Sapienza University people. AMS02 has collected up to now more than 146 billion CR events and its measurements has changed the current understanding of CR components.

We shall then discuss the present and future research activities done by European Space Agency (ESA) for the radiation health hazard assessment in exploratory space missions.

Finally, the problem related to space ionizing radiation in design and build a space infrastructure will be presented, with particular attention to shielding solutions for manned lunar/mars missions.